
With this tool it is possible to:
This application gives you a perfect overvies of the status of your WebEngine 2.0. Everything in this application is very easy to turn on and off again. Even installing the latest version Top Control 6.x.x.x is much easier and reduces errors during installation. Easily install the latest version project software with a simple button to prepare a project update.
Before installing this application on a WebEngine 2.0, read the manual carefully.
release notes
RDN 14-07-2014:
Version – Released
1. Re-design of the tab “Overview”.
2. When the TCEnergy setup wasn’t installed the “End of project update” didn’t work correctly. In this version is the problem solved.
3. In tab “Tools” is a new button added for start and close TC Select. When you click on the button “Open TC Select” all services stop and TC Select starts up. When you click on the button “Close TC Select” TC Select will be closed and all services starts.
4. Minor user interface changes.
RDN 01-05-2014:
Version – Released
1. When there is no project database available in the project folder all services and Top Control applications will stop when you start the WebEngine Tool.
2. Improvement of the project update mechanism.
3. Improved time calculation in Tab “DataCollector Status”.
4. Hide the Tabs “DataCollector Status” and “TCEnergy Commissioning” automatically when the Datacollector Service is stopped manual (when the project is not a TCEnergy project).
5. Minor RDP improvement.
6. Energy Data points will be present in the tab “Energy Data Points” when available.
7. Minor TCEnergy Commissioning improvements (with improvement when there is only a 24Hr interval).
8. All button (in the WebEngine Tool) actions are written directly into the Status Logbook file (for analysing).
9. In tab documentation is a Release Notes (of the WebEngine tool) button added.
10. Minor changes and bug fixes.
RDN 28-01-2014:
Version – Released (updated to a new developers version + Infinity)
1. A button for closing the Remote desktop session is added. When there is a monitor attached to the WebEngine and must be activated after a remote desktop session again this was not possible. You need a mouse and keyboard to log in again to activate the monitor, with this new button the monitor is active immediately after closing the Remote Desktop session (read in the Tab “Documentation” Remote Desktop documentation).
2. In the Tab “Documentation” are two new button added. First button is Remote Desktop (see point 1) and the second button is Auto Logon. This documentation descript the solution when the Auto Logon of the WebEngine doesn’t work.
3. With this version it is not possible to start this application for the second time.